The EuroBankNetC central system is a comprehensive reporting and analytical system, whose main task is to provide information about the activities of the Bank supporting the process of managing it. Modern graphic tools were used to present the data, which make the print more flexible and improve the aesthetics of the printout.
Basic tasks of the system:
- the preparation of compulsory reporting and reports for the prudential reporting needs
- providing information about the customer,
- monitoring of the bank's work,
- providing information about the economic and financial conditions of the Bank, financial result and security,
- providing the information necessary in the planning and decision-making process in the bank's current and strategic activities,
- help with the performance of control and supervisory functions,
- providing the information necessary to the risk management found in the Bank.
The system comprehensively supports obligatory reporting for the NBP, KNF, BFG. It meets the requirements of obligatory reporting and enables the preparations of reports for other external and internal recipients of the Bank. It supports the full scope of analytical work.